Refund Policy & Legal Information


  1. I permit my child’s name and/or photo to be used on club bulletin board, website and social media; facebook and instagram.
  2. I permit the media to release my child’s name and/or photo in any media coverage at the gym. Coaches will inform parents of individual media coverage. During public events such as competitions and displays, we have no control.
  3. I permit the club to disclose my name, phone number, mailing address, and my child’s name to the Board of Directors and appointed volunteers for the purposes of receiving information on special events, etc. that my child may be involved in.
  4. The collection, use disclosure, and retention of your personal information are all regulated by law in British Columbia. The Prince George Gymnastics Club collects and uses your personal information primarily to provide you with the programs, services, products and information you require as a member. To enable the Prince George Gymnastics Club to manage and develop its operations, the Prince George Gymnastics Club may share your information with Gymnastics BC, Gymnastics Canada Gymnastique and various levels of government as required.


There is always a certain amount of risk involved with any sport and the following consent is necessary for proper care of children when an emergency occurs. I fully understand the nature of the activities my child will be involved with at Prince George Gymnastics Club. I hereby give my consent for the above named child to participate in the programs offered by the Prince George Gymnastics Club. I hereby agree that my child/children, adopted or otherwise, my heirs and executors waive and release all rights and claims for any damages against the Prince George Gymnastics Club, it’s representatives, paid or volunteer for any injury or damages in connection with the programs run by Prince George Gymnastics Club. It is my understanding that the coaches and staff and other authorities, paid or volunteer, will use their best judgment in determining emergency care and procedures, and that Prince George Gymnastics Club assumes no financial obligations for expenses occurred in carrying out emergency procedures and/or emergency transportation. I hereby authorize simple first aid and consent to any examination, X-ray, medical, dental or surgical diagnosis which is deemed necessary, I confirm that the above child is in good health and I have reported any medical information which is necessary for the proper training of the above child.


Refund Policy
As of December 1, 2001, there will be no refunds given except for the following reasons: You are moving away, in which case we require a written notice one month in advance. -or- Your child is injured or sick, in which case we require a note from their doctor.

In any case, the insurance/registration fee is non-refundable as it is sent to Gymnastics BC. In the event that return to the Prince George Gymnastics Club before August 31st, you will not have to pay that fee.

Sick Policy

Late Registration
Because we have an on-going registration, late registrations will be pro-rated up to two missed classes. After which time, only that pro-rated fee will apply. Rates are determined by session amount, not including the insurance/equipment fee.

NSF Cheques
All NSF cheques returned to Prince George Gymnastics Club for reason of insufficient funds will be subject to a $27.00 NSF charge and the child will not be allowed to continue training until the cheque has been replaced or cleared.

Lost Articles
The Prince George Gymnastics Club, its coaches, staff and executives, are not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Please do not bring jewelry or valuables to the gym.


4175 18th Avenue
UNIT #120
Prince George, BC V2N 0G7

Office Phone: (250) 564-7343
Coaches Phone: (250) 564-7383
Fax: (250) 564-7345